Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

roly poly david foley

i'm barely conscious right now. i'm trying to stay up until 4am. i work tomorrow and saturday night in dispatch until 4 am, and haven't stayed up that late in about 8-9 months.

it should be an interesting time. last weekend some guy died in a hotel hot tub. he got drunk, passed out, drowned, and then cooked himself. by the time the cleaning staff found him in the morning, all of his bodily fluids had drained, and he had spilled bowel and bladder into the bubbling hot tub water around him. one of the officers who was on the scene stopped in today and informed me that the smell upon draining the hot tub was horrendous.

i'm hoping for a relatively crime-free weekend. i think that's too much to hope for. instead i will hope for the ability to stay awake and alert during those shifts. jackie told me that the night shift cops are nice about running out for coffee for us. i may have to rely on that.

tonight was "kids in the hall". it was a really great show...very funny. i did not get the opportunity to profess my marital intentions to david foley, but eh...what can you do? he's gotten very roly poly...but in a cute way :).

after the show, tiffany, tim, and i drove back to town, picked up the baby, rented "zoolander" and went to their apartment. it was a nice evening. oddly, tiffany and i kind of bonded tonight. she's always kind of scared me, but we started sharing stories tonight and found that we seem to have a lot in common. though i don't trust her a bit, i do like her more than i used to. she can be fun.

i had a really disturbing dream last night. i was dating this teacher that i had in junior high (who is at least in his 60's and highly unattractive). there was just too much in the dream that didn't make sense, so i won't bother explaining it, but i woke up feeling disoriented and disturbed.

i don't think i'm going to make it until four. the hallucinations are beginning. i'm just going to take some tylenol pm and pass out for as long as i can. hopefully i can even get in a nap before i go in to work tomorrow night.


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