Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

food of the gods or something

i went to dinner at the best chinese restaurant that i've ever been to in my life last night. "so what?" you may ask...well, ummmm...i don't know :). chinese food is my favorite kind of cuisine. i was in heaven.

and i've been obsessing about it all day long. i have a feeling i will be making more frequent visits into the eastern city for more of it.

my mom and sister took me to dinner and brought the dining room table and my new desk chair. the chair is nice. it didn't turn out quite as i had expected, but oh well. it's hard to pick fabric when you are looking at about 300 different 1" x 1" swatches, trying to pick the best one.

nate got home shortly after i did and we sat on the couch, "recreated", and watched buffy. we were going to go to the grocery store, but i had overdone the "recreating" and opted for passing out instead.

i'm going to see my grandparents tonight. they're in town from arizona before the big upcoming family reunion in michigan. i won't be going (as i am not allowed to take any vacation for the first six months of employment at the firm), so i'll be visiting them tonight for awhile.


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