Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

On laundry and limitations

Coming to you live from the hometown...

I slept almost all day yesterday. I was probably up and about for a total of four hours yesterday. The rest was spent sleeping. And sleeping and sleeping and sleeping. Avoidance? Pshaw...

I just finished load of laundry #6. Three more to go before everything is clean.

I helped David cook dinner for his boy on Friday night and then went to Rusty's.

I had my first completely non-sexual encounter with Boy #1 today. It was...interesting... He asked me to go out of town with him to do some shopping and have dinner. I went with him to pick out a new raquetball raquet, some DVDs, and then he bought me dinner in a Mexican restaurant.

I know I said I wasn't going to see him for a month, but eh...

I'm not sure what's going on now. While our day together wasn't bad or uncomfortable, it certainly wasn't "right". We ran out of things to talk about. I felt detached.

I think we're just too different. I don't understand him at all. He is a complete and utter mystery to me. And I don't think he gets me at all either. I think that he thinks that he understands me (to some degree), but I think he really has absolutely no idea at all.

I'm kind of baffled by the lack of connection. How can you have such amazing sex with someone you can't even hold a conversation with?

All in all, I guess I'm glad we got together today. He is a good guy. At the bottom of it, there is that at least. It dispelled some anxiety I had about him, and it was interesting to see him in another context (other than the bedroom).


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