Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

From "appetizer" to "zodiac"

Happy Valentine's Day (said halfheartedly, oh silly Hallmark holidays, but yeah...).

V-day used to make me feel bad. In high school I suppose. There was always a table set up in the hallway full of flowers and shit for the students who received stuff. I never went near that table. But, I could really care less these days. Romance is hardly an integral part of my life and I don't forsee that it will ever be...

I stole the following survey from Sammi:

A- Appetizer of Choice: Crab rangoon or potato skins with cheese, sour cream, and bacon. Or those Sesame Jack things from TGI Fridays. God, I love appetizers... *drools*

B- Best Friend: I'm not a fan of the term "best" in regards to friends. But yeah, probably my David.

C- Choice of Meat: Good old fashioned beef. Or salmon. Or any form or breakfast sausage. I really love meat.

D- Dream Date: Something involving food, buying me presents, and great sex.

E- Exciting Adventure: Backpacking around Europe solo. Recently: my little roadtrip earlier this month.

F- Favorite Food: Chinese food. Chinese food is God's food. If there is a God, and this God eats food, he/she/it is eating Chinese food. I cannot extoll the merits of this cuisine enough.

G- Greatest Accomplishment: We won't go there. Most of my greatest accomplishments happened pre-junior high. Nothing lately.

H- Happiest Day of your life: Leaving work on my last day at the job from hell (the law firm).

I- Interesting Fact: I got rid of over 30 pair of shoes last year. I still have somewhere around 30 now.

J- Joke: An old man is sitting on a park bench staring at a young kid with rainbow colored hair sitting next to him. The kid asks him "What are you looking at old man? Didn't you ever have fun when you were young?" The old man answers "I once got drunk and slept with a parrot. I was just wondering if you were my son". (yeah, I don't know any jokes, that one sucked).

K- Kool-Aid: Last time I had kool-aid it was mixed with massive quantities of alcohol, juice, and fruit in a giant plastic garbage can. I'm sure I threw it up later that evening.

L- Lover: Blech.

M- Marriage: Blech.

N- Name: Blech. I mean, Sarah.

O- Obsession: Everything. Everything that I do/like/think about/etc., I do/like/think about/etc. obsessively.

P- Pizza toppings: Pineapple.

Q- Question Asked to you the most: "Are you serious?" Second perhaps to "Are you crazy?"

R- Radio Station: Public Radio. I don't listen to music stations.

S- Sex: Not anymore. Going on birth control always seems to put an end to that. Those events always coincide.

T- Television Show: Iron Chef!!! Or almost anything on the Food Network. Although, I don't have cable now, so I'd have to say Buffy. And I've really been (guiltily) enjoying Joe Millionaire too.

U- Underwear: I have two dresser drawers full. Currently, black mesh string bikini w/blue and turquoise rhinestones.

V- Video: Music video? Ummm...The Radiohead Palo Alto video with the little cartoon dog?

W- Winter: *insert cursing*

X- X-ray: I love x-rays of my upper body because it looks all normal except the nipple ring still shows up. Just looks funny :).

Y- Year born: 1979

Z- Zodiac sign: Cancer. And it seems to fit me pretty well. I am a crabby homebody hiding in my shell.


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