Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

since you've been gone

hmm...a week and a half since i last updated i guess. apparently i was not missed much (as evident by the complete lack of notes and guestbook entries). just kidding, i don't care :).

i haven't really been online for over a week. just haven't felt like it. i've not done anything spectacular or exciting instead. the usual.

nate and i moved into the apartment last weekend. it's definitely the nicest place i've lived in so far. or will live in...i should say. i need to find a job so that i can finish moving in there. in the meantime, i'll be there on the weekends.

i went to a cocktail party on saturday night. i was underdressed. i didn't stay long.

tomorrow is the monthly joint powers board meeting. i'll have to pull something nice looking out of the dirty clothes basket and spray it with febreeze. it's supposed to be a terribly long meeting tomorrow...lots of budget discussions/arguments expected.

i really do like the new place. if i had a digital camera or scanner, i'd take pictures. i can't stop buying stuff for it. i bought a breakfast bar and stool, a spice rack, a set of knives, and a whole bunch of other little things. every time i go to the store, i leave with a new dvd as well. this has to stop.

in other news, i told my dealer that i work for the cops. went better than expected. he told me that whenever i get a dispatch job in the cities to let him know which community i'll be working for and he'll move there.

not like i'd really be able to do anything for him if he got in trouble...but hey, whatever :).

and, last but not least...if you haven't already, go look!


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