Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

I ate steak twice in the last 12 hours

It was an interesting week. I did end up getting offered that job. They called the next morning and made an offer. But my work counter offered and I decided to stay.

So, I got a $7,000 raise and big promotion. I'm on salary now, I get a key and I also get to work more hours without overtime. I'm pretty happy. I am now the "medical reports and transcription manager". I have minions.

Best of all, this means that I get to move back to the cities. I'm hoping to do so by the beginning of October. The apartment hunt begins...

It's going to be weird not "just breaking even" every month. It will be the first time for that. I almost feel like a real grown up now :). I've broken into a new income group.

I also saw the new fancy doctor this week. Had another horribly painful procedure that involved more blood peeing and nasea. But, they think they might know what it is now. The good news: not cancer. The bad news: a chronic condition that may require a lifetime of regulated medical crap.

Not too much of interest going on in my life other than this. I watched all of Angel Season 2 in a week. I have been listening to the new album by The Blow obsessively. I figured out that I've been putting over 5,000 miles on my car each month. I haven't been reading anything but In Style magazine. (shameful, I know)

While I'm very happy about the promotion and raise, I've been really sick lately. It's dampened my mood a bit. I'm tired. I'm achey and ill. I am going to take a nap now.


P.S. I think I've finally nicked the smoking thing for good now. No more cigarettes for this girl.

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