Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

And another thing!

Switching templates. Will this new look inspire more frequent updates? Well, probably not...


If anyone knows how to make the text input box on my guestbook page show up, let me know. It would be greatly appreciated.

I won't embarass myself by telling you how long I've been trying to figure it out.


6:54 p.m. ::
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None of this would matter were I a vampire

Well, the incompetent smalltown urologist managed to completely botch my biopsy. He took an insufficient sample and then contaminated it.

So... I get to do this all over again. No biopsy results. However, I did find out they were ruling out two kinds of cancer. Oh joy. I've found myself a fancy schmancy doctor in the cities now. I see him this Thursday. Again with the blood peeing and searing pain.

Labor Day weekend was really fun. Rusty came down to Podunk and spent the weekend with me and my parents. We pitched a tent in the backyard and camped out civilized-style. We had a fire, roasted marshmallows, ate s'mores, watched movies, played video games, hiked in the woods, went canoeing in the lake, hiked in the state park, cooked, read trashy magazines in the tent by flashlight and had lots of fun conversation. It was a good weekend.

Things are not going so well at work. I asked for a raise and they offered me a deal that would essentially allow them to pay me even less. Do they think I can't add? It was insulting. I have an interview next week at another place. I don't want to leave but I cannot keep doing this. I need to be paid what I'm worth. I did some salary research and found that the average person in Minneapolis makes about $10,000 to $15,000 more than me in the same position.

I'm tired of working 12 hour days. I'm tired of not even being paid overtime for that. I'm tired of being told we're too broke to buy printer toner. I'm sick of being told we can't afford file folders. I'm annoyed with the complete and total lack of organization and professionalism. Even more than all of that, I cringe at the idea of starting the job search again. Especially in this market.

I don't know. Instead of thinking too much about all of this, I have decided to retreat to my bedroom with the 6-disc set of Angel, Season 2.


5:35 p.m. ::
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6:54 p.m. ::
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