Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

From police brutality and racism to showgirls

I just spent an hour catching up on two weeks worth of entries. I didn't even realize half a month had gone by without stopping by here...

I have been working. A lot. I've barely left before dark almost every day. I was seriously burning out.

David and I went to Anacortes / Seattle for the weekend and the mini-vacation revived me. It was a good time. Too much to write about and I haven't entirely processed it all yet.

Went out with Rusty after work yesterday. We had a great dinner and then went for coffee. We rented some movies and had a sleepover. It was good to see him again. I hadn't seen him since I moved. Perhaps I'll start working less someday and have more time with him. It was good to dose up on caffeine and rant about the political situation of our country.

Last night was spent alone in my house watching "La Haine" on DVD (most recent ebay purchase). It's one of my favorite french films and was almost impossible to find, but ebay came through. After that I watched "Las Vegas Showgirls 2" on E! and then passed out.

My family has left on yet another vacation leaving me alone in the house for the week. Today I'm going to eat pizza, watch movies, and veg out.


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