Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

One week and counting

I haven't updated in a week? Apparently...

Highlights of the week:
* Worked 16 hours on Tuesday (until 1:30 a.m.)
* Worked 11 hours on Wednesday
* Buffy series finale on tape
* Drinks with Rusty and his boy on Thursday night
* Went in early to work on Friday
* Sex & The City marathon with Julie on Friday
* Load of stuff to Podunk (only 1 to go)
* Chinese food with mom last night
* Stayed up all night watching Buffy

I have a little less than a week left in the cities. The apartment is almost empty of my stuff. Just some clothes, the microwave and some other random stuff left. My room in Podunk is starting to look nice.

And yeah, I saw something for my 5-year high school reunion. Scary. I strongy doubt that I will be in attendance. When I was in high school, all of my friends were significantly older than me. When I left high school, all of my friends were several years younger than me. Five years isn't long. Anyone from my class that I would want to see, I could get ahold of or am already still in touch with. Maybe I'll go to the 10-year. Maybe.


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