Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Holidaze and Lasers

Easter was alright. I went to church with the family and then to dinner at my grandparent's house. There was an abundance of food and questions about my new job.

I came home and Nate and I celebrated the real holiday. We took out Bucky's Nuts (the 2-tube bong), settled into the couch, watched Reefer Madness, and ate ridiculous amounts of Easter Candy. I don't remember what I did for 4/20 last year. *Sigh*

Today has been slow. Work was work. There was a medical group doing demos today of lasers that our clinic is considering purchasing. I got a laser treatment on some old scars. It was kind of interesting. The other girls there got wrinkles worked on, hair removed, lips pumped up, veins erased, and other strange cosmetic stuff. It seems strange somehow that a laser can just erase things away. Scars, stretch marks, tattoos, wrinkles, freckles, etc. I was strangely somewhat apalled by it. At how easy it is to erase something that tells who you are.

I went to Jaime's after work and played video games with her boyfriend until she got home from band practice and made quiche for us. We watched t.v., smoked, ate and now I'm home.


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