Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Cheap, like my clothes

Jaime and I scoured the thrift stores and consignment shops yesterday in seach of adequate work clothing at low cost. We succeeded. We ended up finding a fabulous little consignment shop with designer clothes at dirt cheap prices.

Being the silly girl that I am, most of what I bought will have to wait at for least five pounds to fall back off before they see the light of day. But, I did find a really fun rabbit fur coat for $6 that I wore last night. (I know, I know, I can't help it. I love fur. I am politically incorrect, but what do you expect from a girl who owns a gun?).

Went out with David last night. We ended up going out very late and every place we went was closing. So, after much driving around (looping the Twin Cities), we ended up at the standby (Perkins).

I got home and started watching The Good Girl around 3am. Didn't get to sleep until around 5am, and slept in today until 1pm. Yay me!

I have a billion errands to run today, but I'm still in my pyjamas. Time to do something about that.


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