Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Trying not to be a defensive bitch

I'm totally supposed to be asleep right now, but I've got a lot on my mind.

Things got a little weird tonight. I came home from work to find an email from Boy #1. It was not nice. To say the least.

Recap: we've been emailing back and forth all week. We've been getting along well. We've been making plans for him to come up and do something this Saturday. I'm feeling good about it. Then, last night, he asks if I've slept with anyone else. I write him back. I tell him about Boy #2. He writes back today and goes off on me.

He tells me that he was shocked and that he didn't think I was like that. He says all of this stuff about me sleeping around. And then says to forget about Saturday because he doesn't want to see me again.

So, in the heat of anger, I write back and tell him he has no right, that what he said wasn't fair, and basically just rant and vent anger.

I call David, seething mad, and vent. I go to Julie's and rant some more to her and Rusty.

A) He has no right to be mad at me. I'm not his girlfriend. The whole underlying message of the email was basically "you cheated on me". YOU CAN'T CHEAT IF YOU'RE NOT WITH THEM!!!

B) Why would you ask a question like that if you weren't prepared for the answer? I hadn't seen him for SIX MONTHS before Thanksgiving. It seemed like he was expecting me to say "no". Which was for what? To boost his ego or something?

C) If he was expecting something more to come of this, or had other feelings, he should have said something. I don't read minds.

D) He obviously doesn't know me at all if he thinks I'm "sleeping around". I have sex like, twice a year. To paraphrase David, "when you do, it's like wow, Sarah had sex".

And then, I come home tonight and he has emailed me back. He says he wants to talk about it. That he was just disappointed and wondering and that we should discuss it.

And I felt better. I totally thought (and expected) that I would never hear from him again and that would just be it.

So... I don't know what's going on. I don't know why I was so upset. And I'm glad that he emailed me back. I guess we'll just see what happens next...


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