Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

I'll muddle through

Oh where to begin? Not that anything that interesting is really going on in my life, but anyhow...

* Saw The Microphones with David and met Phil. Good show, but very very warm and no movement of air.

* Commuting is not as terrible as I thought it might be. The time in the car is nice "alone time" in a way.

* Loving the new Radiohead album thus far. Especially track #14 (whatever that is called). I learn track numbers, not song names.

* Season 4 of Buffy came out last Tuesday and I'm on the last disc.

* I think I've been promoted at work. I have an office with a real (gigantic) desk and a window. I've been going through resumes, writing testing criteria, and I get to do interview this week! Then when I choose who to hire, I get to be their boss. ME in charge of someone :).

So, nothing too terribly exciting. I've been out of town a lot (it being summer and all). My mother and sister are trekking around Europe right now. My father and I are holding down the fort. And now I must sleep.


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