Paperback Cheese Novel
Dripping with melted cheeses...

Still I always feel this strange estrangement

Things are strange. Anticipation is overwhelming a good portion of my life. My financial state will soon be decided by way of my 90 day review at work this week. I will also get health insurance this week. And after months of waiting, I'll finally know how much money I will be making and how to plan accordingly.

I took 16 hours of accounting classes last week. I don't know if there is anything more to say about that. The statement speaks for itself.

Jaime is moving in with me. Her boyfriend moved out while she was at work a few months ago and she could no longer make rent and had to give up her place that she'd lived in for over 3 years. I cleared out the dining room and moved some furniture to set up a temporarily living space for her. It's going to be strange. But, it was also my saving grace as I was not quite certain how I was going to make rent this month until she called me last week. She's moving her aquarium in tonight.

I'm a little nervous about having a roommate again. Though I've only been here a few months, I've really gotten used to having my own place that really feels as though it's mine and the idea of someone else living here is mildly offputting. I need to put that out of my head though. It's a mutally beneficial situation and I should be grateful it happened in some ways.

The series finale of Angel was good yet somewhat disappointing and left things up in the air. I had fun watching with Nate though.

I went to Podunk this weekend and shopped at my parents house. I got patio furniture, a huge bucket of birdseed (finally), some food, hooks, chain, and some lovely plants. My mother and I made the greenhouse circuit and picked out flowers which I potted in three large planters which now add a little color and prettiness to my balcony. She also bought me a beautiful hibiscus. After the prices go down I plan to buy two hanging flower baskets and then the balcony will be complete. It's quite large with several chairs and little tables and will be a nice place to sit among flowers and read this summer.

I plan to purchase Buffy season 6 tomorrow over my lunch break and expect that to fill the majority of my time for the next few weeks.


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